Thursday, November 11, 2010

When you can't find things, where do they go?

It's a valid question. Say you can't find a pin, or your other sock, or a shirt, or even a pencil you know you had just set down but don't remember where...

Where does it go??

Not only that, but what is it thinking as it's there? Is it laughing at you silently as you search for it like a psycho? Is it sad and alone in a scary place it hasn't been before, wishing it was with you, serving its true purpose? These questions haunt me.

Now just think:

What if you were a sock that your owner had set out the night before to wear the next day, and you were just sitting happily where you had been laid out with the other sock, and suddenly, POOF! You just go missing!

And that's another thing that bothers me. Where do missing things go when you can't find them? When you know you had just set them down on the bookshelf or the table yesterday or the night before; wishing you had kept better track, and now you are searching everywhere you can think and retracing your steps just to find that one thing you need at this very moment?..

What's your theory?

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